A14,North Campus, IIT Mandi    +91-01905-267719    shssoffice@iitmandi.ac.in   

Events List

Sr. No. Event Type Event Dated Location Details
1 School Talk Talk on People Owned and People Governed Tourism in Himachal Pradesh 2024-05-03 SHSS Conference Hall 16 Details
2 Workshop Two-day workshop on New approaches to economy & society: Exploring popular economy as a research agenda 2024-04-20 Conference Room C.V. Raman Guest House, North Campus IIT Mandi Details
3 School Talk Circular Narrative Forms Breaking with Linearity by Dr. Juan Luis Toribio Vazquez 2024-04-18 A14.05.16 (A14 Big Conference Room, North Campus) Details
4 Seminar Talk Mental Health in India: the path forward' by Dr Nachiket Mor 2024-04-10 A14.05.16 (A14 Big Conference Room, North Campus) Details
5 School Talk Exploring Program Evaluation Realities Navigating Methods in Practice by Dr Satabdi Samtani 2024-04-03 A14.05.16 (A14 Big Conference Room, North Campus) Details
6 Workshop Workshop on 'Survey Methods for Social Science Research" on 15th March, 2024 2024-03-15 SHSS Conference Room A.14.05.16, IIT Mandi North Campus Details
7 ISTP Project The Interactive Socio-Technical Practicum (ISTP) offered by SHSS, IIT Mandi is one of the signature courses designed to sensitise students to the problems around them in their society and develop a sense of responsibility by being the solution provider. 2024-03-14 Interaction with Locals, Kamand sorruning areas Details
8 Workshop Harvesting Memory: Writing on Myths, Folktales and Local Narratives by Dr Easterine Kire 2024-02-26 HSS Conference Room 16, A14, Level 5, IIT Mandi North Campus Details
9 Workshop Writing from the Heart: Dil Se Direct by Dr Easterine Kire 2024-02-25 SHSS Conference Room 16, A14, Level 5, IIT Mandi North Campus Details
10 Event Celebrating International Mother Language Day with Films in Indian Regional Languages 2024-02-22 SHSS Conference Room 16, A14, Level 5, IIT Mandi North Campus Details
11 Event Celebrating International Mother Language Day with Films in Indian Regional Languages 2024-02-21 SHSS Conference Room 16, A14, Level 5, IIT Mandi North Campus Details
12 Third Young Graduate Meet Spatial Transformations and Contestations in South Asia 2023-10-10 Language Lab, A14.05.16 Details
13 Second Young Graduate Meet Exclusion and Inclusion 2023-06-16 Details
14 Distinguished Lecture Development, Devta and Deodar: Socio-Ecological Transformations in the Western Himalayas 2023-04-03 A14.05.16 Details
15 Book Discussion Dr.Nilamber Chhetri's new book: The Politics of Ethnic Renewal in Darjeeling Gorkhas and the Struggle for Tribal Recognition 2023-03-27 A14.05.16 Details
16 School talk Towards an Inclusive Cannabis Policy with a special focus on the Himalayas 2022-11-11 Stable Complex (NKN) South Campus Details
17 School Talk Ideas, Text, and Translation: Sharad Patils Marxism Phule-Ambedkarism 2022-10-27 Online (Webex),A4 ,A10 Details
18 School talk Visual Transactions and Imaginaries among the TribalLepchas of the Eastern Himalayas 2022-09-23 Online,A4,A10 Details
19 Panel Discussion New Education Policy 2020: Philosophy, Preparedness, and Implementation 2022-03-05 Online (Webex) Details
20 Distinguished Lecture Science, Technology, and Democracy 2022-03-04 Online (Webex) Details
21 School Talk Measuring, and Monitoring the Sustainability of Natural Resources in India. 2022-02-25 Online Details
22 School Talk Online marketplaces: are they offline for rural women? A case study of Common Services Centres in India using a capability approach 2021-11-16 Online Details
23 School Talk Assessing India's productivity trends and endogenous growth: New evidence from technology, human capital, and foreign direct investment. 2021-10-22 Online Details
24 School Talk Comparative analysis of India's progress in meeting its climate goals using three datasets 2021-10-08 Online Details
25 School Talk The Age of Pandemics 2021-09-06 Online (Webex) Details
26 School Talk Streets in Motion: The Making of Twentieth-Century Calcutta 2021-08-26 Online Details
27 Young Graduate Meet Social Geographies of Food 2021-05-29 Online Details