A14,North Campus, IIT Mandi    +91-01905-267719    shssoffice@iitmandi.ac.in   


  • India Since Independence( HS255)

    Credit( 3-0-0-3)
    Prerequisite:( Consent of the faculty member Students intended for: B.Tech.)

    This course offers an introduction to the history of India since independence. It begins withan overview of the struggle for independence and its immediate fallout. It then proceeds to examine the pol...

  • Popular Culture in Modern India: A Historical Perspective( HS263)

    Credit( 3-0-0-3)
    Prerequisite:( Consent of the Instructor Intended for: UG)

    By discussing the works of several scholars working on different manifestations of popularculture, this course aims at making students question the world around them, so that they can trace the origin...

  • Introduction to World History( HS391)

    Credit( 3-0-0-3)
    Prerequisite:( None. Intended for: 3rd/4th year B. Tech)

    In the fifteenth century, Asia and Africa were among the regions that had the most flourishing civilizationswhile the West was relatively powerless. Five hundred years later the picture is very differ...

  • Tribal India, Indigenous Latin America( HS401)

    Credit( 3-0-0-3)
    Prerequisite:( Students intended for 3rd/4th year B. Tech)

    This course looks at tribal history of India in a comparative way by examining the parallel case of indigenouspeople in Latin America. Thus, this course would be a good complement to courses that deal...

  • Epidemics in World History: From the Black Death to COVID-19( HS543)

    Credit( 3-0-0-3)
    Prerequisite:( Intended for : B.Tech/M.A./Ph.D.)

    How have epidemics been critical to the unfolding of global history? Exploring majorepidemics from the 14th Century Black Death that swept across Europe to the current COVID-19 crisis, thiscourse will...